
Best breakfasts for athletes

You have probably heard it so many times, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is called breakfast for it breaks the fasting you do when you sleep, getting your body ready to start the day as it replenishes your needed supply of glucose and other nutrients. Athletes who are always

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Is coconut oil good for everything?

Ever hear the saying “Life happens. Coconut oil helps”? There are many oils out there, but it’s no secret that coconut oil is the new black. The coconut may look like a very straightforward average dry drupe, but don’t be fooled – because of its versatility the coconut’s components are used in various ways. Those

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How to store fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are fresh produce and should be stored in a way to maximize their freshness for as long as possible. Some require refrigeration, while others can easily be stored in your pantry, vegetable drawer, or even on your kitchen counter. Let’s have a look at some fruit and vegetables and where the best

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Must-try desserts in San Francisco

San Francisco is known for many things, one of them being the amazing food and foodie culture. It’s no wonder then that it is home to some unique and interesting desserts. Below are some of the top desserts and sweet treats to try in San Francisco. Green Tea Monaka from Kissako Tea This green tea

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Healthy snacks that you can prepare at home

When you want a snack in that 11am time before lunch, or during the 3pm workday slump, it can be easy to just reach for a candy bar or a bag of chips, but of course there are much healthier options that will keep you full for longer. Sure, you might not want to just

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Spice up your hot chocolate with these ideas

Whether we find ourselves curling up by the fire on a cold night, snuggled up in bed during the holidays, or simply craving a chocolaty treat on a weeknight; nothing is quite as satisfying as a cup of hot cocoa. This delicious cup of joy has been a delight to families for centuries, with parents

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