Vintage Photos Of Celebrity Weddings From The ’70s And ’80s

Mesmerizing Photos Of Celebrity Weddings From The ’70s And ’80s

Those in limelight (or celebs, as we know them) have always been a sensation and had their dealings followed religiously by the press and scrutinized by the people. This has been the case even before our contemporary times, as celebrities’ dealings are largely impossible to be hidden from the public.

Hence, we have compiled a list of major glamorous and popular celebrity weddings from times within the 70s and 80s for your reading pleasure. The joy of a union, cases of divorce, offsprings and accomplishments of marriage partners — all embedded in this piece.

[post_page_title]Mick Jagger and Bianca Perez-Mora Macias | 1971[/post_page_title]

In 1971, Mick Jagger got married to Bianca Perez-Mora Macias, who soon became known as Bianca Jagger. Mick was the lead singer (and heartthrob!) of the well-known band, The Rolling Stones. The marriage between these two lasted for seven years and in 1978, they got divorced following a suit filed by Bianca, citing infidelity as the basis for divorce.

Mick Jagger and Bianca Perez-Mora Macias | 1971

This didn’t surprise many, considering Mick’s musical popularity and stardom. Though Mick had a number of long standing relationships throughout his life, Bianca was the only woman he ever got married to.

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